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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Life After Death Is Likely

Physics Supports the Possibility of an Afterlife

The life we live stands forever in space-time and can be extracted at any point.  It can move to a completely new matrix/substrate. This is possible because mainstream science sees time and three-dimensional space as a fused four-dimensional continuum. Your Soul (I Am-ness) exists eternally as a "worldline" in space-time.

I have included this space-time diagram illustrating two dimensions of space and one of time to help us distinguish between two different ways of viewing our external physical reality: there is the outside view or "divine" perspective of someone studying the interacting  structure, and there is the inside view of a human living in space-time. 

From divine perspective of four-dimensional space-time your world line trajectories resemble a tangle of spaghetti. If the human sees something moving with constant velocity, the divine sees a straight strand of action moving through space-time.(1) The particles from which you are made trace a complex path in space-time. The highly complex intertwining seen from the divine perspective corresponds to a cluster of particles that store and process information. In essence you are a coherent bundle of information drawn by flesh and blood in space-time.  A good metaphor is to think of space-time as the perfect digital information storage media, much better than a compact disk or a computer hard drive in that it has eternal life and it contains the details of our activities and thoughts from beginning to end. You can convert this "file" and "play" this information in any media format you can imagine.

Even now scientists can construct experimental systems with a toy universe and a "divine" transcendent observer. The experimenter is a “super-observer” that exists outside of the universe, and so measures the quantum state of the toy universe as a whole. From that vantage point the experimenter can extract, resurrect, or uplift, information from the static universe.(7)

So this is how your I Am-ness (Soul) can carry on in Spirit. 
  • Resurrection by the divine is made possible through perfect reanimation of your information. 
  • Matter, energy, and information are equivalent.(6) 
  • Information can be converted to energy and energy can be converted into matter.(6)
In this perfect resurrection the limits of human abilities can be overcome. All sickness and disability can be removed and sins "washed clean".



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am in the process of responding to all 150 of the academics in this You Tube series on my blog and if you google "Responding to Renowned Academics" you will see that I already have about 50 posts up for viewing. Even though I have finished about 80 of these I am posting one every Tuesday.

    The problem of evil is the number objection in this series but the false accusation of "blind faith" is thrown around a lot too but I have provided evidence that seems to indicate that the Bible is a reliable historical book that can trusted.

  3. I am in the process of responding to all 150 of the academics in this You Tube series on my blog and if you google "Responding to Renowned Academics" you will see that I already have about 50 posts up for viewing. Even though I have finished about 80 of these I am posting one every Tuesday.

    The problem of evil is the number objection in this series but the false accusation of "blind faith" is thrown around a lot too but I have provided evidence that seems to indicate that the Bible is a reliable historical book that can trusted.
