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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Johnny Depp heads off to the Supreme State of Being, and the western world is Christian/Transhuman.

This new Johnny Depp movie “Transcendence” should spark popular interest in the spiritual goals of our increasingly technological society, and clarify that the western world is Christian/Transhuman... Yes, I dare say this is the definitive movie for western culture because it touches our Christian roots and our technological branches.

In the movie, Depp makes a computer-to-mind interface, he transcends into the “cloud”, and grows beyond.  It’s a new type of pioneer story with uncharted territory to discover. The grass is much greener here: The collective intelligence of everything ever known, with the full range of human emotions is concentrated in the mind of our hero. Of course if he overcomes all the dangers in the movie plot, it will be because of his western/Christian sensibilities.
     Why do I say the west is still Christian? Like it or not the gospel is ingrained deep in our culture. Jesus is the biggest name in human history. Ever. It is a matter of fact Jesus is the indisputable leader of influential ideas: Reference here.

Why do I say we are Transhumanists? Transhumanism is about learning, and overcoming our human condition: "In the end, all technology is prosthesis, the extension and augmentation of existing biological and informational capabilities. We put eyeglasses in front of our eyes to bring the world into focus, telescopes and microscopes to see those realms which our unaided eyes cannot fathom. We use remote sensors to explore the planets, and these are all extensions of the senses we have. All of our systems of writing and of calculation are similarly extensions of memory systems and logical operations that we can perform in our minds. Similarly the technological implements that carry us from one place to the next, or that grow our food for us, or that keep us warm are but extensions of our own bodies' effectors." - Peter Cariani ... Transhumanism goes all the way down to the essence of life:
      • A living thing is conditioned to exist and grow.

      • Understanding the laws of nature increases a living thing's chance to exist and grow.

      • Science is the systematic process of understanding nature.
      • Technology is the application of our understanding of nature to better adapt to our environment.

  •      Why do I say we are Christian Transhumanists? The two converge hand-in-hand on the way to the Supreme State of Being. The early Christian church was clearly closer to the spirit of life with the idea of transcendent humanism; where it was taught not only mankind but the whole cosmos finds its fulfillment in Christ. Through the grace of God we grow to be like Christ. Paul Tillich calls this original meaning "The profound doctrine of a transcendent humanism, a humanism which says that Christ is the fulfillment of essential humanity." "And we can become fully human through participation in this which has appeared in Christ, including eternal life, and similitude with God with respect to participation in infinity."  Then Tillich says, "I am always surprised how much better the theology of the ancient church was than the popular theology which developed in the nineteenth century, how much profounder and more adequate to the paradox of Christianity, without becoming irrational, nonsensical, or absurd." Know Transhumanism is part of God’s plan, the spirit of life.  Because the reality is, through computer and sensor evolution our technological tools are turning into a place where we can extend our senses to better understand where to grow. Technology is a place to expand your mind, and find truth, for those who wish it. There is talk of uploading our minds into this environment and living forever. Technology is opening the door to a new ecological niche to grow. This is not a plastic virtual reality. It is God's creation in high resolution and amplified. The doors of perception are opening.

It seems like transcendence really is at hand. Check out the Transhumanism movement to see how some folks are speculating on, and actually trying out possible transcending paths. Then check out the various Singularity Watch Internet sites to see what futurist think is happening with technological growth.

Is this really a place for a Christian?? Let’s say we transcend our flesh body using the technology of the near future. What about our soul? There isn't much being said about the spiritual aspects of this exponential technological growth. Every movie or book I have read on this subject is rather scary. Scary sells. So let me provide a comforting metaphor for what I think is really happening. You could look at it this way: engineers build a church as a place of worship. They build roads to the church. They design modern modes of transportation for getting to the church. Then it is up to us to get to the church and use it in the spirit of love. This technology is just another church, a place to get together and worship. Personally, the kingdom of God, and the Temple, is within us all and these technologies are extending our influence. So, be careful there will be challenges, if you go this path, Go in the Spirit of Love. You can do no wrong when the spirit of love, the Holy Spirit is with you. And, it is said; "If you are trying to save your life for any other reason than love, you will lose it." There is one way to life and truth. This wisdom is eternal. It takes love... Love is the winning life-strategy in the end. To survive even the meanest brute will grow to understand! This really is a place for a Christian. You see, Christianity is Transhumanism!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Life After Death Is Likely

Physics Supports the Possibility of an Afterlife

The life we live stands forever in space-time and can be extracted at any point.  It can move to a completely new matrix/substrate. This is possible because mainstream science sees time and three-dimensional space as a fused four-dimensional continuum. Your Soul (I Am-ness) exists eternally as a "worldline" in space-time.

I have included this space-time diagram illustrating two dimensions of space and one of time to help us distinguish between two different ways of viewing our external physical reality: there is the outside view or "divine" perspective of someone studying the interacting  structure, and there is the inside view of a human living in space-time. 

From divine perspective of four-dimensional space-time your world line trajectories resemble a tangle of spaghetti. If the human sees something moving with constant velocity, the divine sees a straight strand of action moving through space-time.(1) The particles from which you are made trace a complex path in space-time. The highly complex intertwining seen from the divine perspective corresponds to a cluster of particles that store and process information. In essence you are a coherent bundle of information drawn by flesh and blood in space-time.  A good metaphor is to think of space-time as the perfect digital information storage media, much better than a compact disk or a computer hard drive in that it has eternal life and it contains the details of our activities and thoughts from beginning to end. You can convert this "file" and "play" this information in any media format you can imagine.

Even now scientists can construct experimental systems with a toy universe and a "divine" transcendent observer. The experimenter is a “super-observer” that exists outside of the universe, and so measures the quantum state of the toy universe as a whole. From that vantage point the experimenter can extract, resurrect, or uplift, information from the static universe.(7)

So this is how your I Am-ness (Soul) can carry on in Spirit. 
  • Resurrection by the divine is made possible through perfect reanimation of your information. 
  • Matter, energy, and information are equivalent.(6) 
  • Information can be converted to energy and energy can be converted into matter.(6)
In this perfect resurrection the limits of human abilities can be overcome. All sickness and disability can be removed and sins "washed clean".


Friday, August 19, 2011

A response to "Another 50 Renowned (Atheistic) Academics Speaking About God"

Yikes! At first this seems to be an impressive blow to believers. But I'm taking a look at each short clip and so far none of this stuff is of concern. It seems most of this footage is at least 10 years old or so. That explains why none of these fine gentlemen have touched on Lincoln Cannon's New God Argument, or Christian Transhumanism. Here is the news on the religious front; Given the recent shift towards digital physics and technoprogressive transhumanism, it is perfectly reasonable now to assume that Life just keeps on evolving, gaining more understanding and developing greater creative powers. Life on earth or somewhere in this vast universe develops into The Supreme State of Being (a universal with all the aspects we attribute to God). Here is a brief on the new God argument; if we will not go extinct before becoming “posthumans,” then given assumptions about contemporary science and technological trends, it is actually logical that posthumans already exist, are more benevolent than we are, and created us.

Sound bites can be misleading. I have seen the full interview of  Frank Wilczek. In the first interview; Frank eventually says " Is there a God? Not yet"... he believes life eventually evolves into God. And, that our concept of God has evolved past ancient conceptions... Which is a good thing. 
To VS Ramachandran a neuroscientist who believes it's all in our heads;  There IS an external reality, and we are modeling it internally better and better every day.
To Bruce C. Murray; It seems he is cut off before he is allowed to continue his thought that we Grow the concept of God. I ask when do we cease to have ultimate ideals?
Sir Raymond Firth; Sees religion as a product of humanity, and it is left at that. I say; we are so beat down to believe there is no such thing as progress, that it is hard for us to conceive that we might move forward along the lines of understanding and creative power, consciously evolving..  and with that so will our concept of  "God".  Some day in the future  we will look at our powers of love, forgiveness,  intellect, and creativity and say;" I am the God that was conceived in the 21st century",  just as we are the Gods of war, fire, air, and cosmos, as conceived by the ancients.
To Alva Noe and Alan Dundes; In those sound bites they are just railing against outmoded concepts of God, and with one comment they throw out the diamonds with the sand. To all this I say; Get over it take what you can from those who have gone before and build on it. Subtly, that IS what we are doing socially. The ancient texts chronicle our growth in understanding they contain essential grains of truth. Don't  throw out the diamonds with the sand.
To Massimo Pigliucci on wondering what spiritual faith is;  Here is a coherent summary of spiritual faith;  In human context  Spirit is what powers action (inspiration). For 85% of humanity God is a pro-life ideal. Taken in total this ideal ultimately converges on a supreme state of being within the set of all things living. As a source of inspiration we  hope, pray, and develop a strong belief and faith in a positive outcome for life.. which is God.  Holy Spirit is the mutual love along this line of development (love the efforts of those who have gone before and forgive their ignorance, and love the possibilities of our future) . Divinity is an extension along this path.
To Bede Rundle on a God powerless to change things; Wrong. It seems to me that God loves things just the way they are...wouldn't change it for the world. The divine has a power of persuasion rather than coercion.
To Sir Richard Friend who scoffs at supernatural causes; Aurthur C. Clarke would say;  "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Science and the supernatural are resolved every day we make a technological advance.
To George Lakoff who questions the existence of the soul; Wrong. The soul (I Am) is your world line in space-time. Given the scientifically established concept of block time, that world line stands forever in timeless eternity.
To Sir John Sulston ;  No, atheism does not make coherent sense because it leaves out the possibility of a supreme state of being for life (taking all of the attributes we assign to God) . Like postmodernism nothing really changes in life, no progress.  Nihilism is the outcome of atheism certainly not coherence. And his argument of religious disagreement holds no water. Ultimately there is agreement. Aldous Huxley's anthology of the great religions shows that there is a convergence of ideas in the Divine Ground of Being.
To Mr. Shelly Kagan;  Moral truth is truth weather we come up with it or we ascribe it to God.  It seems he has he not been exposed to the concepts of information and entropy as they apply to life processes.   We exhaust entropy so as to maintain order upon ourselves. According to many physicists (like Murry Gell-Mann for one); We are information gathering and utilizing systems. From our self identity to DNA and further down to our subatomic structure; we are information. In order to maintain coherence we exhaust chaos and disorder.  The moral code sets a value on this "complex code of information" upon which we and our society are made. A sin can be seen as an act against this (think of burning down every library and destroying every digital trace of the material, or killing all the aborigines and erasing all traces of their culture).  Laws of morality are our vehicle for growth and may even be the means for which the universe is sustained. John Wheeler describes the universe as a self-excited circuit. He uses an illustration in which one side of an uppercase U, standing for Universe, is endowed with a large and rather intelligent-looking eye intently regarding the other side, which it acquires through observation as sensory information. The eye stands for the sensory or cognitive aspect of reality, perhaps even a human spectator within the universe, while the eye’s perceptual target represents the informational aspect of reality. By virtue of these complementary aspects, it seems that the universe can in some sense, but not necessarily that of common usage, be described as “conscious” and “introspective” even “infocognitive”. From this perspective immoral acts are noise in the signal that is minimized as much a possible.
Roy J. Glauber; There is not enough context to tell what he trying to say. Seems to be against intelligent design.  If so, you can always counter with the well constructed Simulation Argument; At least one of the following propositions is true: (1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage; (2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof); (3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation. Given the recent shift towards digital physics and technoprogressive transhumanism, it seems perfectly reasonable now that Life just keeps on evolving. Optimistically life somewhere in this vast universe develops into the supreme state of being (a universal with all the aspects we attribute to God).
Lewis Wolpert ; is not against religion. He says it helps a great deal. He is against hurtful fundamentalism as am I. I believe atheism is the most fundamental of all belief systems and is hurtful. It risks draining mankind's essential source of inspiration.
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong; Sees a logical fallacy with an omnipotent God unable to act in the world; God is within us all. Perfection is grown within a universe and provides an experience of growth, beauty and accomplishment. Otherwise, there is no reason to be. It seems to me that God loves things just the way they are...wouldn't change it for the world.
Richard Dawkins; In this short clip he wants us to think that scientists could not honestly believe in God. This is the easiest one! Actually agnosticism is the most intellectually honest stance to take. it is wrong to claim something as truth if you cannot prove it by providing evidence that logically justifies it. While an atheist does not believe in God, an agnostic believes that it is not possible to prove or disprove the existence of God. Atheism is the most fundamental of all religions and they have put themselves in an immovable position; There is absolutely no way, now how, God.

I am going to compose a response to the rest of these clips as my time permits. I realize that given the narrow scope of their comments in these clips, it is almost unfair to pick them apart in this way.